9 am! AFC executives announced great good news: Congratulations to China Football, and the fans cheered in unison.

On an early morning, at 9: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the future of China football ushered in a turning point. Official website, the Asian Football Federation (AFC), released an important news, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussion from all walks of life. In the meeting between AFC President Salman and Chinese Football Association President Song Kai in Doha, he made it clear that he would fully support the revitalization of football in China.

In his statement, President Salman stressed that he had noticed the firm commitment made by President Song Kai at the China Football Association Congress to promote the reform and further development of China football. He reiterated that AFC will cooperate closely with China Football Association and fully support the revitalization plan of Chinese football.

This statement is undoubtedly a positive signal for China football. Looking back on the past few years, the performance of China football at all levels has not been as good as expected, especially in the arena of the national team, which has repeatedly disappointed fans. However, now the AFC executives personally express their support and are full of expectations and encouragement for the future of China football.

Football fans in China are full of expectation and excitement about this news. They firmly believe that with the strong support of AFC, China football will surely usher in a new development opportunity. People expect the national football team to show a higher level of competition and achieve better results in the future.

Once this news was released, it aroused widespread concern in all walks of life. Many media and fans have commented on this, and it is generally believed that this is a great opportunity for the development of football in China. With the strong support of AFC, China football is expected to achieve a long-awaited rise.

To sum up, AFC President Salman’s statement has opened a new page for the future of football in China. With the full support of AFC, we expect China football to create a more brilliant future and win glory for the country and people. At the same time, we also hope that China football can make continuous efforts to improve its own level and become the pride of the country.

This news is an exciting moment for China football. AFC President Salman’s clear statement has brought a new dawn to the future of football in China. First of all, it shows that China Football Association’s firm commitment in reform and development has been recognized and supported by international football organizations. This kind of international endorsement will provide a strong impetus for China football in terms of policy level and resource support, which is expected to promote the overall promotion of China football.

China football has been striving to improve its international competitive level, especially the performance of the national team. The full support of the AFC will provide more opportunities and better training and competition resources for China football, so as to help players and coaches to continuously improve their technical and tactical level. This will directly help the national team to be better in international competitions and make fans more proud.

China football fans are full of expectation and excitement after this news. They have always placed high hopes on the performance of the national team, and the commitment of the AFC seems to give them new hope. They believe that with the strong support of AFC, China football is expected to rise and achieve more brilliant results. This optimism and expectation will further inspire the support of fans and inject more positive energy into China football.

The widespread concern of this news and the positive response from all walks of life also show the importance of China football at home and abroad. Football has become a key focus in the international sports arena, and the rise of China will inject new vitality into Asian football. This will also strengthen the football cooperation between China and other Asian countries, promote the overall improvement of regional football, and help Asian football to be more competitive in international competitions.

Generally speaking, AFC President Salman’s statement has brought new opportunities and hopes to China football. This news has opened a new page for the future of football in China and made people look forward to the development of football in China. We expect China Football to make full use of this support, continuously improve its own level and become the pride of the country and people. This is also a moment to celebrate, marking the emergence of China football in the international football arena.

Ewenki steals the pivot: Chinese football

Teams enter the arena.

The gun pivoted for the score.

Center zone pivot.

Gun pivot competition tool.

Hit the wheel in the wheel area to score.

Win the gun pivot competition.

Hasenqige (third row, third from the left) walked into the campus to promote the gun pivot.  

[Watching Traditional Skills and Listening to Fusion Stories (50)]

Ewenki grabbed the pivot, which is a folk sports activity created by Ewenki people in their long-term production and life. It is called Chinese football. With the continuous progress of society and the continuous improvement of people’s lives, this traditional national sports activity has become more and more familiar and has become a national intangible skill.

Origin folk has a long history.

Snatching pivot is mainly spread in Inner Mongolia. Pivot, which means pin in Ewenki, refers to the reinforced wooden clamping pin used by nomadic people to prevent the wheels from falling off. Grab the pivot is usually held at festivals such as Nadam, Aobaohui and Sabin Festival, together with wrestling, horse racing and archery.

Grab the pivot is also a sport that integrates entertainment and appreciation, especially suitable for nomadic life in mountainous areas and grasslands. One family or several families gather for entertainment and competition, and the elderly to teenagers can participate in different ways. It is loved by Ewenki, Mongolian, Daur, Oroqen and other ethnic minorities, and it is a national folk sport with a wide popularity.

Hasen Qige, a 75-year-old national intangible heritage inheritor of Ewenki’s pivot grab, said that the pivot grab originated from an ancient folklore: there was an old Ewenki named Zara, and many cars behind his family could not move because the pivot of the leading Lele car fell off during a migration. At this time, it was getting late, and the old man Zara said, "If anyone can find the pivot and repair the car, I will reward him well." So his two sons went to look for it separately. Soon after, Ji Gaha, a child, found the pivot and called out to everyone. After hearing the news, Giahi, the eldest son with infinite strength, fought with his younger brother in order to make a contribution, and finally grabbed the pivot and repaired the first car.

The old man said to his two sons, "Ji Gaha is not as strong as Ji Yaxi, but he is quick-sighted and can find a pivot under the dim starlight in the moonlight." Although Giahi is not as responsive as his younger brother, he has boundless strength and a tenacious sense of struggle, so both of them should be rewarded. " At the same time, the old man taught them, "You each have your own strengths. If you can unite and cooperate and learn from each other’s strengths, you will certainly overcome any difficulties in the future." Zara’s teachings were thought-provoking, and later generations of Ewenki people kept the pivot grabbing activity and became a competitive sport.

Preserve traditional integration and development

Snatching the pivot is both entertaining and combative. At that time, when the level of productivity was low, it embodied a national spirit of striving for progress.

The rules of the pivot grab competition have unique characteristics. Up to now, the competition has been divided into five to seven players from each side. Athletes from both sides relay to complete the pivot-seeking, pivot-passing, pivot-receiving and pivot-hitting in turn with reasonable technical actions and tactical cooperation in five areas, namely, the hidden pivot area, the forward attack area, the center area, the defender area and the wheel area, and complete the competition in five areas as a game, with the winner who scores more points. The method of grabbing the pivot is similar to that of football, but Mongolian wrestling is integrated into the confrontation, and the pivot can only be passed by hand, not thrown or kicked. This sport can exercise athletes’ patience and pivot grabbing skills, thus enhancing their sense of challenge, confrontation and flexible coping ability.

The competition of grabbing pivot can make athletes skillfully master various skills such as mutual utilization, mutual cooperation and mutual perfection, so as to achieve the best effect in actual combat.

The pivot competition is more traditional, with many original elements, and the venue design represents the stars and the moon in the sky; The middle trapezoidal main court represents the site where the pivot was searched and robbed during the original migration, and retains the color of the ancient legend. Competition can hone athletes’ endurance and speed. It is a traditional sport that integrates intelligence, competitiveness and appreciation. It has strong regional characteristics and retains the original state passed down from generation to generation.

Active rescue and continuous inheritance

In 1990s, with the Ewenki people gradually moving to cities and towns, the pivot grabbing movement gradually declined and faded out of the life of Ewenki people, so it is urgent to rescue and protect it. In order to protect and inherit this national traditional sports, the Ewenki Research Association was established in Ewenki Autonomous Banner of Hulunbeier City.

In 1997, 48-year-old Hasen Qiqige began to collect, dig and sort out relevant information about the pivot grabbing movement. In the process of protecting and sorting out the pivot grabbing project, she and her colleagues traveled all over Sumu and Gacha in Ewenki Autonomous Banner, and collected a lot of relevant information about the pivot grabbing project. The folklore of the origin of the pivot grab movement was collected by Hasen Qige.

She and her colleagues have sorted out the origin and rules of the game. On this basis, the local government has also held many training courses on the pivot-grabbing movement to spread the rich cultural connotation of the pivot-grabbing movement and innovate the form and content of the pivot-grabbing movement.

In 2000, grabbing the pivot was listed as a popular sports event in primary and secondary schools by the Education and Science and Technology Bureau of Ewenki Autonomous Banner, and Ewenki Middle School became a training base for grabbing the pivot. Up to now, the flag will hold a pivot-grabbing competition in large-scale activities such as the Sabin Festival and the Ice and Snow Festival held every year.

In 2007, Ewenki was included in the first batch of intangible cultural heritage list in Inner Mongolia with the promotion of the movement of grabbing pivot. In 2008, the Ewenki Qiangshu declared by Ewenki Autonomous Banner was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. In 2009, Hasenqige became the representative inheritor of Ewenki, a national intangible cultural heritage.

For thousands of years, Le Le Che has carried Ewenki people, crossing long life scars in the vast grassland with a cool breeze. After a long period of development, it has been endowed with new connotations and has become a national sports with certain ideological, educational, entertaining and ornamental features. In 2023, as a traditional sports event, grabbing the pivot became the event of the 10th traditional minority sports meeting in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Text/Grassland Full Media Zhengbei Net reporter Gao Ruifeng

(Photo by Ao Tielin)

Let the national culture glow with splendor.

  □ Su Yongsheng

As a traditional sports event of Ewenki nationality, it is loved by the masses because of its strong competitiveness, high interest and wide participation of the masses. It has become an indispensable competition event for traditional festivals and major events of this nationality, and has been selected into the national intangible cultural heritage list, becoming one of the projects of traditional sports meetings of ethnic minorities in the whole region.

The excellent culture of ethnic minorities is a beautiful flower in the colorful garden of Chinese culture; Traditional sports of ethnic minorities are a beautiful scenery in China’s national sports. Inheriting and carrying forward excellent minority culture and traditional minority sports is of great significance for inheriting and carrying forward Chinese excellent traditional culture, enriching the content and form of national traditional sports, enhancing national unity and promoting exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups.

A traditional sports has its historical roots and profound cultural connotations. To protect, inherit and carry forward the traditional sports of ethnic minorities, we should not only protect the sports itself, but also protect the profound culture behind it, tap its internal factors conducive to national unity, and make contributions to building the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Many people have made painstaking efforts to inherit and carry forward the national culture. In particular, many inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, through their long-term persistence, excavated and sorted out information about cultural heritage, compiled books to protect and inherit cultural heritage, and contributed to the inheritance and promotion of cultural heritage.

At the national and social levels, many excellent traditional cultures have been listed in the intangible cultural heritage protection list by relevant departments. Many traditional sports events of ethnic minorities have been included in the competitions or performances of traditional sports meetings of ethnic minorities at different levels. The colorful traditional sports competitions of ethnic minorities held in various places not only satisfy the appreciation of the people, but also build a good platform and create positive conditions for further research on the excellent traditional culture of ethnic minorities.

Colorful excellent cultures of all ethnic groups bear the good wishes of the people of all ethnic groups and reflect their yearning and pursuit of a better life. It is the responsibility entrusted to us by the times to inherit and carry forward the excellent cultures of all ethnic groups, enhance cultural identity, strengthen cultural self-confidence and build a spiritual home shared by all ethnic groups.

The Chinese nation is a family, working together to build the Chinese dream. Inheriting and carrying forward China’s excellent traditional culture and building a strong cultural country require arduous efforts from all walks of life. Only when all of us, Qi Xin, join hands and work together to protect, inherit and carry forward the great practice of Chinese excellent traditional culture can our cultural garden be more colorful and our national culture more splendid.

About skiing, these reminders must be seen.

You need to know this about skiing.

Everyone has no clear concept of skiing. As a competitive sport, skiing is risky. Skiing requires professional skills, as well as knowledge and the importance of related equipment. Many people misunderstand that skiers’ own contempt for safety is a major cause of accidents.

1. Skiing at intermediate level is an extreme sport.

Snow trails are divided into primary greenway, intermediate blue road, advanced underworld and expert double underworld. According to different slopes, the suitable people are different.

Skiing is also graded, and most people are suitable for primary skiing. In the early stage, coaches are needed to take the introduction. Above intermediate level, it can be regarded as extreme sports.

2. You are falling at a high speed, like a "cannonball"

Many people think that the snow is soft and it doesn’t matter if you fall, but on the snowy road, people who slide at high speed under the acceleration of gravity are tantamount to "huge shells" and are likely to rush out of the snowy road, which is very dangerous.

3. Wear safety equipment.

There have been skiers who died on the spot after falling without wearing a helmet, so safety equipment can help you reduce the chance of injury as much as possible. Especially for beginners, they should use safety equipment: brightly colored ski clothes, ski pole, ski goggles, sports wrist pads, sports knee pads, sports hip pads and ski helmets.

4. Do what you can, and don’t underestimate your own safety.

In order to seek excitement or satisfy vanity, some beginners go skiing on the intermediate snowy road. Please learn to ski in the right steps, know your ability correctly, and don’t try too hard easily.

Beginners often sit in the middle of the snow trail and chat during breaks. It is very dangerous to stay in the middle of the snow trail. If you want to rest, you should stay on both sides of the snow trail and observe the route and speed of the skiers above.

5. Abide by the international snowy road principle.

Skiers should follow the international principle of snow trail, that is, the "traffic rules", slide on the snow trail as far away from other skiers as possible, keep a relative distance, and leave an adjustment distance for themselves and others.

You should pay attention to these when taking children skiing.

Skiing not only exercises children’s physical fitness, but also feels the charm of nature. At the same time, it can also enhance the feelings between parents and children. It is really a good thing to win at one stroke. However, it is dangerous to take children skiing. How to prevent the danger? Please pay attention to these things when taking children skiing:

1, the age should be up to standard

When parents take their children skiing, the first thing to consider is the age of the children. The children are over 5 years old, and they are in good health and not sick when skiing, so that the children can have a full understanding of skiing. Only when these conditions are met can we take our children skiing.

2. Choose a ski resort suitable for traveling with children.

When you take a child skiing for the first time, you must choose a suitable ski resort. Ski resorts with children’s skiing events and children’s activity areas are definitely the first choice. These children’s projects and activity areas can not only ensure the safety of children, but also make them enjoy themselves.

3. Armed to the teeth

Choose suitable equipment for children, colorful ski clothes, waterproof gloves, and wear special helmets, wrist pads and knee pads for skiing.

Helmet, for safety, helmet is a must!

In snow goggles, even on cloudy days, the reflection of sunlight in the snow is stronger than we thought. Snow goggles is not only resistant to strong sunlight, but also can protect against wind and snow. Snow goggles is essential to protect children’s eyes.

4. Exercise properly

In sports, we should pay attention to what we can do and do it according to the children’s situation. You can take your child for a walk in the snow first to adapt to the environment. Don’t choose a site with too big a slope.

5, accompanied by parents

Don’t let children ski alone, especially in the mountains. Let the children slide on the obvious and spacious snowy road, pay attention to other skiers and don’t let the children leave your sight.

6. Slow down and make everything controllable.

Please slow down all the steps, from choosing ski equipment to going skiing in the ski resort and taking children skiing, so as to make everything controllable for safety.

7. Bring an extra helper

In the process of skiing, it is always inevitable that there will be falls, poor care or unexpected situations. If you can, take one more family member or friend to travel, so as not to be in a hurry.

8. Please grasp the time.

Skiing will consume a lot of physical strength. Children go skiing mainly to feel happy, play some snow games, relax, and also relieve tension and pay attention to grasping the time.

Skiing is an interesting and dangerous sport, and safety comes first. Be sure to do what you can, learn the necessary safety knowledge, and choose the corresponding level of ski trails according to your own technical level. Beginners must ski under the escort of regular coaches, and skilled skiers should also pay attention to relevant safety protection. In the event of accidental injury during skiing, you must call the rescue number of the ski resort in time to seek medical assistance.

Original title: "About skiing, these reminders must be seen"

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The first skiers can no longer afford to ski.

2024 Skiing Law: Whenever you open a circle of friends, why is there always a friend skiing?

Since the opening of major ski resorts in November last year, it seems that more and more people have gone skiing. According to the data of Meituan, from November 1 to 9, 2023 alone, the number of ski ticket group purchase orders increased by 209% compared with the same period in 2019. According to the travel data of the same journey, during the New Year’s Day holiday just past, the domestic ice and snow tourism fever increased by 216% month-on-month.

Skiing, a middle-class sport that costs at least several hundred yuan at a time, is flying into the homes of ordinary people?

Skiing fever, fever in "tourist" skiing

Skiing fever, it’s true.

On New Year’s Day of this year, the Beijing white-collar Na Na family went to a ski resort in the suburbs of Beijing. Even though both husband and wife are zero-based, and married with children brought a 6-year-old son, this year suddenly felt like a ritual in winter, and skiing was put on the agenda.

In previous years, on New Year’s Day holidays, some indoor projects were often arranged, such as hot springs, bathing, etc. But this year, for the Si Si family, there is an impulse to "go out", and skiing is perfect because of the ice and snow.

"It is obviously an extreme sport, but the snow field is crowded with’ tourists’ dressed in colorful clothes." SiNa observed.

Skiing is becoming married with children, Xian Yi for all ages. According to the data of Changping District, Beijing, during the New Year’s Day in 2024, three ski resorts in Changping District received more than 10,000 tourists, an increase of 20% compared with the same period in 2023.

However, the "small snow field" in the suburbs where the Si family went is only a small heat, and the real heat is in the "big snow field" far away from the first-tier cities.

According to the data provided by the US Mission and public comments to interesting reports, since the opening of the ski resort in November last year, the number of ski ticket group purchase orders has increased by over 780% compared with that before the epidemic in 2019. Among many ski destinations, Xinjiang, Northeast China and Hebei have received the highest attention.

Xinjiang, Northeast China and Hebei all have the top natural snow resorts in China, such as General Altay Mountain Snow Resort in Xinjiang, Beidahu Snow Resort in Northeast Jilin, Yabuli Snow Resort in Northeast Heilongjiang and Wanlong Snow Resort in Chongli, Hebei, etc. Many of them are well-known at home and abroad for their "powder snow".

But more importantly, these destinations are not simple, more or less with the nature of "tourist destinations". The snow resorts in Xinjiang can see the winter scenery of Kanas and Hemu, which are the focus of customized tours in winter. Some of the snow resorts in Jilin are just at the foot of Changbai Mountain wrapped in silver.

According to the monthly analysis of the founder of outdoor travel brand Binghuo, many good ski resorts are rich in tourism resources. Skiing is not just skiing, but "tourism+skiing". It is not excluded that many people go only for skiing, but quite a few of them are "skiing by the way".

Geng Haolin, Marketing Manager of Beidahu Ski Resort, gave a forecast when the ski resort opened, and it is expected to receive 1 million tourists, an increase of 61% over the same period of last year.

The most noteworthy thing is Yabuli located in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. According to the latest data of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism in 2024, during the New Year’s Day, the key scenic spots in the province received a total of 366,300 tourists, of which Yabuli Resort received 35,800 people, which is equivalent to one in every 10 tourists who went to key scenic spots in Heilongjiang Province to ski in Yabuli.

Ying Ying, a native of Beijing after 1990s, used to go to snow fields near Beijing in previous years, but this snow season, she chose long-span tourist skiing.

When the board was just opened last year, she lived in Altay, Xinjiang for a month and bought a season card for the ski resort. Although skiing was the primary factor, the reason that attracted her to travel all the way was Xinjiang itself.

"Good snow is the premise, but the beautiful food is particularly attractive. Anyway, skiing is inevitably time-consuming and expensive, so go to the most interesting place." Yingying said.

After New Year’s Day this year, Yingying went skiing in Hokkaido, which is similar to going to Altay. Yingying’s first thought of this trip was to go to the scene of the movie "Love Letter", with skiing by the way.

"In fact, I can’t say who is more important, but if you buy one, you get two. Why not?" Yingying said.

Xiao Jiu, a ski coach, told an interesting report that this year, it was observed that many players went to more tourist resorts. It was not so much a simple skiing craze as the whole tourism craze.

Wu Bin, the author of the White Paper on Ski Industry in China and vice chairman of Beijing Ski Association, also made in-depth observation. On the basis of tourism fever, Wu Bin said that the more beautiful the head ski resort is, the more spread it is, which is a Matthew effect and a manifestation of further improvement of market concentration.

"The more concentrated and spread, the more people there will be, which will form a cycle." Wu Bin said.

Who is kryptoning gold? Krypting what gold?

Skiers come, so people spend more on skiing?

Taking Yabuli, a ski resort in Harbin this year, as an example, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released a set of data during New Year’s Day in 2024: Yabuli Resort received 35,800 people, up 540% year-on-year, and its income was 17.94 million yuan, up 680% year-on-year. Converted, it is equivalent to spending 89.9 yuan per person in Yabuli.

People spend more on skiing, perhaps not only on snow resorts or ski resorts, but also on the purchase of equipment.

Beijing white-collar Haorui, this year’s investment in the snow field is even "downgraded". In previous years, snow tickets alone cost at least 300 yuan, but this year, he regards skiing as "missing".

"This year, Datou only spent 168 yuan." Hao Rui said. He and his friends chose a little-known ski resort in Pinggu, Beijing, and bought a 168-yuan group purchase package on the short video platform, including daytime snow tickets, snowboards, snowshoes and an hour coach, all at one price. Even if the transportation fee is included, the direct bus from Dongzhimen only needs to go back and forth from 50 yuan.

In the snow field tickets, the consumption is downgraded, but on the whole, Haorui is still experiencing the consumption upgrade.

This year, Hao Rui decided to skate more times. Although he pursued cost performance in the unit price of skiing, the increase in frequency made him spend more this year.

Hao Rui said that the bulk of the budget is actually in equipment. This year, he aims to improve the technology. As the saying goes, the soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first, so more than half of the budget is spent on snow clothes, trousers and helmets, such as snow goggles.

The biggest expense this year is a ski jacket of Archaeopteryx, which costs more than 4,000 yuan after discount. "Compared with Archaeopteryx and Disante for a long time, it is almost expensive." Hao Rui said.

"Sometimes I reflect on whether I am drifting, but on second thought, skiing is not a very popular sport. In the final analysis, it is a minority extreme sport, which requires constant investment of money, time and energy, especially money." Hao Rui said.

Skiing is like playing a game, and enthusiasm will be expressed in krypton.

Yingying, who is skiing in Hokkaido, will continue to spend money this year. Even though she has spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy snowshoes+fixers+snowboards, and snow clothes that are not less than 10,000 yuan, it is impossible for a skier to have only one set of equipment. In Yingying’s view, skiing, as a niche sport, should contain social value to some extent, and it should be fashionable and fashionable wherever it goes.

In skiing equipment, what is the hottest?

The consumer platform "What is worth buying" lists three sets of skiing-snowboards, ski shoes and ski goggles. The data shows that in the snow season of 2023 (October 1-December 31, 2023), the GMV of ski equipment category increased by 166% year-on-year, among which the GMV of ski equipment such as "snowboard, ski shoes and ski goggles" increased the fastest, increasing by 566%, 483% and 367% respectively.

Professional ski equipment is growing, which means that skiers are moving up.

At the same time, there are many more initial ski products that are also growing. The brand "Sanfu Outdoor", which sells outdoor products including ski clothes and equipment, provided a set of data to the interesting report. The overall skiing-related products increased by 74% compared with last year, among which its own high-end brand X-BIONIC’s skiing functional underwear, ski clothes and other products increased by more than 140% compared with last year, far exceeding the average growth.

While purchasing equipment and clothes, the consumption upgrade of skiing can be described as "both internal and external".

Under the prosperous, undercurrent surging.

Skiing, an "expensive" national sport, inevitably costs a lot of time and money every time it goes, so it becomes popular so easily?

The answer may not be.

When I think back to my last skiing trip, it seems that I didn’t slip all the way. Apart from the "drag" of the baby, what’s more important is that the whole primary road has been like cooking jiaozi, with photos, dragging snowboards for a walk, and enjoying the magic carpet. I can’t even tell whether this is a ski resort or an amusement park in a trance.

Skiing is gaining popularity, but people who come here may just punch in for fun. In fact, the fun of this sport needs more practice and more technical blessings to be felt.

Wu Bin counted a set of data in the White Paper on Ski Industry in China. The total number of people in the 2018-2019 snow season before the epidemic was

20.9 million, while the total number of people in the snow season in 2022-2023 was only 19.83 million. He predicted that the number of people in the snow season in 2023-2024 may increase, but overall, enthusiasts who are keen on skiing are not big.

What is worth buying for the consumer platform? Li Na, a researcher at the Ice and Snow Research Institute, revealed a set of data. From what is worth buying for the platform, the ratio of experienced consumers and professional consumers in skiing is about 8:2, and most of them are "early adopters" at present.

In 2019, Wu Bin once said that China is currently in the primary market stage of skiing; Five years later, in 2024, Wu Bin thought that the whole had not changed. "China will probably remain a primary market for at least five years," he said.

From the perspective of penetration, according to the report "China Ski Industry Development" published by Sullivan Consulting in 2023, China’s ski penetration rate is about 1%, while Swiss ski penetration rate is as high as 34%, and neighboring Japanese ski penetration rate is 10%.

Compared with the penetration rate, we should pay more attention to the conversion rate-how many people can stay after skiing and become enthusiasts or enthusiasts who re-enter the snow field?

In Wu Bin’s view, the key to the development of ski industry in China is how much experiential consumers can settle down after they come and leave.

Can skiing consumption continue to develop, can skiing be geared to the needs of the masses, can skiing white fall in love with skiing smoothly, and what is stuck in his neck?

In Wu Bin’s view, the biggest threshold of skiing is actually the price. If you want experienced consumers to settle down, it is important to let them learn to ski and slide down the snowy road safely and smoothly. Therefore, the coach "leads the door". The role is very important. However, it has almost become a common phenomenon that ski coaches are expensive.

Ma Ling said that the coach of Chongli Ski Resort costs a minimum of 1,500 yuan for a pair of 3 or 2 hours, with an average of 500 people. The point is that 500 yuan spent it, but in fact he still couldn’t learn it in the end.

Ski coach Xiao Jiu also agrees with the current situation of skiing teaching-the price is high, and it is impossible to learn.

In his view, the price is high because the ski resort expects to make money by the coach’s fee. After all, the maintenance of the ski resort is a lot of money, and the income of the snow ticket is almost unsustainable, so it can only rely on the coach’s fee. Xiao Jiu said that about two-thirds of the coach’s expenses go to the ski resort.

The problem of not learning is more serious, on the one hand, the quality of coaches is mixed. Xiao Jiu revealed that among the coaches in the ski resort, there may be a lot of interns in sports schools who just got the ski instructor certificate, or even haven’t got the certificate yet, and their teaching experience is insufficient. Moreover, a good coach is probably a freelance coach, and his time is almost full early. It is not easy to be a good coach when you meet a random coach at the ski resort.

On the other hand, it is the irrationality of teaching time. Snow field teaching is mostly charged by the hour, but for skiing, an extreme sport, you can’t even learn fur for a few hours.

Xiao Jiu said that in higher quality teaching, coaches often charge by the day. If you want to really get started, you have to study for two or three days with the coach.

Especially this year, the popularity of veneer has soared, and many new skiers have decided to try veneer first.

"It is true that the veneer is very handsome, but it is more technically difficult, and it is not easy to learn, which makes it easier to abandon the pit." Xiao Jiu said.

Wu Bin concluded that it is imperative to improve the importance of skiing teaching, such as running a more professional ski school, especially reducing the cost of coaching and including it in the snow ticket.

"People come, learned, will come again. The supporting services of the snow field must be done well. " Wu Bin said.

(Source: China Newsweek)


10 most popular games

The popularity of games will change with time and different player groups. Here are some popular games in history, but please note that this does not represent the current ranking or popularity:

  1. "My world" (Minecraft)This sandbox building game has a high degree of freedom and creativity, and players can build, explore and survive.
  2. Fortnite (Fortnite)A great escape game, which is popular for its unique game style and cross-platform function.
  3. The League of Legends.: A multiplayer online tactical competitive game with a huge player base and professional e-sports events.
  4. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.A survival-centered shooting game, players need to survive and compete with each other in a closed area.
  5. Super Mario Odyssey (Super Mario Odyssey)Nintendo’s 3D platform game is a classic of Mario series.
  6. Animal Crossing: New Horizons.A life simulation game in which players can build and manage their own paradise on an uninhabited island.
  7. Red Dead Redemption 2.A western adventure game is highly praised for its rich open world and fascinating plot.
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.Nintendo’s action adventure game is highly praised for its open game world and innovative gameplay.
  9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.A role-playing game is highly praised for its huge game world, fascinating stories and diverse tasks.
  10. Overwatch (over watch)A team shooting game, which is welcomed by players for its diverse heroic roles and tactical gameplay.

These games have become the favorite focus of players for a period of time, but with the passage of time and the launch of different games, the popularity of the game industry and player preferences are constantly changing.

A complete collection of four common swimming styles

First, breaststroke formula

1, one of the breaststroke formula (total formula):

(1) Breaststroke kicks like frogs, pushing back and sliding forward. Close your legs and feet with your hips, and your knees are shoulder-width apart.
  Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your toes to both sides. Push the water back hard and float your feet together for a while.
(2) The breaststroke arm strokes symmetrically, and the peach stroke strokes sideways. Bend your wrists with both hands to catch the water, and bend your arms and elbows back.
  Row under your shoulders, stop quickly, and clamp your elbows in hard. Stretch your hands forward in parallel, straighten and relax and move forward.
(3) Attention should be paid to breaststroke coordination, and the legs and arms should breathe properly. The two-arm paddling legs are relaxed, and the legs are closed at the same time.
  Stretch your legs forward and push the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while. Pull your head up slowly, slide your hand and exhale slowly.
(4) Two arms are paddling at the same time, and the head is raised and inhaled closely. Close your legs, turn your ankles to catch water, and exhale water with your nose.
  Close your hands and slowly retract your legs, and stretch your arms forward before kicking. This kind of cooperation should be kept in mind, and coordination should be learned.

2. The second formula of breaststroke (four-word key):

Break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

Interpretation of the four-word key of breaststroke;

Breaking up and pressing the wrist is the preparatory action to start paddling, and it is also the key to make paddling effective. You have to press your hands down into a dovetail shape before you can enter the drawing stage.

Different from the traditional wiper stroke, [double anchor drawing] tends to be similar to the butterfly stroke, emphasizing the stroke mode of resistance propulsion. When the hands are pressed down into a Y- shape, the hands are like two anchors stuck in the water, and they are pulling at an accelerated speed until the elbows are completely out of sight. The power of pulling makes the body jump out of the water under the guidance of the head.

When holding water with high elbows, the elbows should always be higher than the hands to pull water, so that the hands and forearms form a paddling surface together, and the body is pulled forward until the elbows are always in a state of tension.

[Stem neck water] is to say that water should not be held high, and the neck ridge should be kept in a straight line, rising and falling together.

[snake waist dragging hip] means that when pulling up, the waist and back must be arched, and then they can rush forward and rebound. The back bow should be erected like a cobra, ready to attack; The forward bounce is like a snake’s attack, and it is asserted. The former uses the waist, and the latter abdomen, falling together.

[Fold your knees]. When folding your legs, you just need to fold your knees and turn your legs into a [W] shape.

[Hip valgus] means that toes should point to both sides. Turn your feet from [the outer figure of eight] to [the inner figure of eight] and whip them backward and downward.

[Hidden head in water] means to hide your head after entering the water, and to be completely immersed in the water, preferably below the horizontal line of your body.

[Close your arms and hide your shoulders], keep your arms as close as possible, as if to squeeze your head from between your arms.

[medial malleolus backward], the medial malleolus should be facing the rear, which is the initial phase of kicking and the key to the success or failure of the kicking process.

[Pedal clamp downward rotation], the folding is upward rotation and the pedal clamp is downward rotation; Spin up until the toes point to both sides, and spin down until the soles of the feet are closed.

[The front is low and the back is high, and the sand slides and stretches] is a sliding phase when entering the water, until [breaking up and pressing the wrist], during which the feeling is as smooth as falling down from the sand mountain with head down; In the meantime, it seems that all the discs between cones have been released.

[Stretch your legs and abdomen, float to the surface], which means that in the second half of the slide, you should prepare for the initial position of the subsequent stroke [break up and press your wrist] and approach the surface of the water with inertia. If the body is still far from the water, [drawing fiber] will have to be replaced by pressing water, and the forward power will be halved. Therefore, when [sliding sand stretching], the body can neither bend back nor relax, but must [stretch the legs and abdomen] and still be streamlined, using the buoyancy of the chest to float to the surface at a small angle.

3. The third formula of breaststroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of breaststroke

The legs are curved to hold water, and the mouth and nose are used to exhale in the water.

Paddling combined with slow leg retraction, two arms stretched forward and then pedaled,

The breaststroke posture is like a frog, and the arms stroke symmetrically on the side.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your feet outwards to aim at the water.

Push your legs back and hold the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while.

Push the water backwards in an arc, straighten and float together for a while.

(2) Leg movements

Bend your knees slowly close to your hips, and the distance between your knees is shoulder-wide.

The rower’s legs don’t move, and the legs are closed after the hand is closed.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and flip your feet to both sides.

Stretch your arms first, then kick, and straighten your arms and legs for a while.

Push the water back hard and float your legs together for a while.

(3) arm movements

Press the water with both hands to the outside, raise your elbow and bend your arm and row back.

The parting is slightly wider than the shoulder, and the elbow is turned inward and stretched forward.

Pull under the shoulder and stop. Pull and stop.

Draw your arms back from side to side, straighten and float together for a while.

(4) Breathing action

When holding water on your arms, raise your head slightly and suck the air.

Lower your head and stretch your arms and exhale slowly. Row your arms, raise your head, and breathe in.

When your arms slide forward, your nose and mouth slowly exhale.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Pull your arms apart, raise your head and inhale closely,

This method is called late breathing, which is perfect for reducing resistance.

(6) Complete coordination action

Two arms paddling without moving legs, closing hands and closing legs at the same time,

Stretch your hand halfway to pinch the water, stretch your arm and kick for a while,

Pull your head up and suck in half, and reach out and shout slowly.

Second, the freestyle formula

1. One of the freestyle formulas (general formula):

(1) freestyle body must be horizontal, with arms crossed forward. Put your fingers into the water before your shoulders, and stretch your shoulders and bend your wrists to catch the water.
  Bend your elbows and palms to the water, and do the "S" route correctly. Finish paddling to the hip, turn your shoulders and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.
(2) The body is prone and streamlined, and the water appears in the brain. Stroke with both hands, and alternately hit your legs six times.
  Exhale slowly under the shoulder, push the water, lift the elbow and turn to suck. The legs and arms are breathing well, and the freestyle speed is incredible.

2. The second formula of freestyle (four-word key):

Wipe the head on the water, the neck ridge is flat, the chin converges, and breathe. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

Interpretation of four key words of freestyle;

[Wipe your head on the water]. When swimming in, try to immerse your head in the water as much as possible, and the part exposed on the water should not exceed 1/4 of your head, so that your head can slightly brush the water.

[The neck and spine are horizontal]. The cervical spine and spine should be pulled into a straight line and kept horizontal.

[chin convergence], look at the bottom of the pool, the chin should be retracted and squeezed into a double chin.

[Breathe Moang], when breathing, the head should roll with the extension line of the neck ridge as the axis, and it is forbidden to breathe with the head held high.

[Perfect], imagine the whole body, especially the trunk, like a hard and full torpedo.

[Tension in the waist and abdomen], the waist and abdomen should be tightened, and the abdomen should be lifted.

[Log Rolling] means that the body should be like a torpedo and a log, and it should roll on the long axis as a whole with rhythm.

[Look at both sides of the navel], the rolling angle is just right for the navel to see both sides, or the audience on both sides can just see the swimmer’s navel.

[Put your arm into the sleeve]. When you enter the water, you should put your hand forward as far as possible, as if it were in a slender and soft silk sleeve.

[Turn your shoulders into the frame]. Imagine that your body is going through a narrow frame in the front, so the lateral amplitude of the action should be as small as possible.

[Close-body straight stroke], the stroke hand should be under the long axis of the body, close to the body and walk in a straight line.

[Pull soft and push hard], start accurately, grasp the water steadily, and gradually accelerate the stroke, pushing the water under your feet, but don’t bump into your thighs.

[Legs clamped], when kicking, the thighs can’t be separated, and it plays the role of connecting the preceding with the following, that is, transmitting the strength of the hip to the toe.

[The calf is like a spring], the calf should be elastic, and the range of kicking up and down should be controlled at about one foot.

[Relax your ankles]. Your ankles should follow the pressure of water and move with the trend, just like the tail of a fish, so don’t be stiff. Legs from hip to toe should be loose and unremitting, tight and not stiff, and the water should be strong and well-controlled.

3. The third formula of freestyle (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of crawl (freestyle)

Crawl, such as crawling in water, alternately paddling with both arms,

Keep your body steady and lie prone in the water, crossing your arms and rowing in turn.

Keep your body level, and your legs are whipped up and down.

Whip your legs up and down, breathe slowly and suck quickly and row forward.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh forces the calf, and the legs alternately whip the water.

The thigh is forced to bring the calf, and the legs alternate to fetch water.

Draw water shallowly and quickly, and relax your ankles slightly and turn inward.
(3) arm movements

The palm enters the water first before the shoulder, and the arm slides down to hold the water.

Move the arm, relax the shoulder and insert it forward, and aim the palm of the forearm at the water.

The power of bending the arm and paddling is great, and turning the shoulder and lifting the elbow can get out of the water quickly.

Speed up along the center line, and alternate strokes with both arms.

The two arms cooperate with each other to paddle hard, and the thrust is gradually increased after holding forward.

(4) Breathing action

Row to the shoulder and exhale slowly, push the water, lift the elbow and suck up.

Breathe out slowly with your head in the water, turn your head and open your mouth to inhale quickly.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements.

Paddle with both hands, and hit the legs at will.

Hit two, hit four or hit six, or suck left or right once.

(6) Body position

The body is prone and streamlined, and the chest is slightly shoulders high.

The water is flush with the forehead and the brain is exposed, and the hips and abdomen should be flat and eyes open.

(7) Stroke arm type

There are three types of arm strokes, namely, front crossing, middle crossing and rear crossing.

It is old and long to travel before making friends, and the effect of making friends after making friends in China is good.

Third, backstroke formula

1. One of the backstroke formulas (general formula):

(1) Put your hand into the water on the shoulder extension line, and stretch your arms to hold the water. The palm bends to the water, and the stroke route should be kept in mind.
  Push the water behind the palm and forearm, and push the thumb out first. Turn your shoulders and lift your arm straps, and relax your arm movement in the air.
(2) Backstroke coordination is easy, with six kicks and two arms. Breathe two strokes at a time, and breathe in with your mouth.
  Push the water and exhale quickly, turn your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest. Suck your legs three times, kick them three times and exhale.

2. The second formula of backstroke (four-word key):
The water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slip does not turn.
Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips.
With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge.
Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

Interpretation of the four-word backstroke;

[Water overflows your cheeks]. When swimming backstroke, you should straighten your head, neither accept your chin nor lean back, so it is advisable to let the water flow through your cheeks.

[Nose refers to the sky], although the body rolls, the head should not rotate with it, and always face upwards.

[Breathe, sink, suck and float], because the front of the body will be a little ups and downs after the hand enters the water, so breathing should be carried out rhythmically to avoid choking.

[Don’t turn when sideslip], when rolling sideslip, the head can’t rotate left and right.

[Lift the shoulder and draw the hand], after the hand strokes, it is necessary to lift the shoulder to complete the water; From shoulder-elbow-wrist-finger, out of the water in turn, use the big joint to drive the small joint, and pull the arm out of the water.

[Double spoke rotation], the arms are like spokes of a wheel, alternating at an angle of 180 degrees. The outer side of the little finger is called the [blade], and [cutting the water with a sharp blade] means that the little finger leads into the water, so that the upper arm is close to the cheek, and the arm is extended with the hip. Follow up when the little finger enters the water.

[reaching out to send hips], that is, something that seems to stand on tiptoe to reach high enough; And the [torque] of turning the hip comes from the downward leg press on the other side.

[Horizontal palm with water] is the first phase after the hand enters the water, that is, the palm is horizontal in the forward direction; Otherwise, if you don’t bring water with you, paddling will have no effect.

[Elbow down and shoulder collapse], start paddling, especially when paddling to the shoulder line, the elbow tip should be vertical to the bottom of the pool, and the shoulder should sink into the water, so that the paddling route is closer to the vertical plane of the longitudinal axis of the body.

[Push the first line], push the water all the way back. When the rower crosses the shoulder line, turn his palm to the bottom of the pool to press the water.

[Touching the leg and sticking the edge], after pressing the water, the arm should be close to the body, and the tiger’s mouth should slightly wipe the thigh.

[Ankle Straightened], both supine and prone kicking require ankle straightening, which is the key to effective water fetching.

[Feet are flexed inward], because the hips should roll about 45 degrees, in order to prevent the feet from crossing too wide when fetching water, each other can meet the water flow driven by kicking on the other side, so as to obtain greater propulsion power, so it is necessary to bend inward slightly.

[Kick up and press down], because the upper kick is limited by the knee joint, the lower press has a wide degree of freedom, so it is necessary to limit the amplitude. It is better for the waves to roll at the toe, and it is subject to no splash, that is, [Wave rolls the toe].

3. The third formula of backstroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of backstroke

There are two kinds of backstroke postures, both of which are backstroke.

Lying on your back in the water naturally, your abdomen is slightly contracted and your chest is slightly expanded.

The reverse frog backstroke has been eliminated, and the reverse crawl backstroke has the upper hand.

Kick the water with your legs up and down, and paddle with your arms in turn.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh is forced to take the hip as the axis, and the downward pressure and upward kick are alternately played.

Exert your strength with your thighs and kick hard with your calves.

Knees and toes don’t get out of the water, and the movements should be consistent and natural.

The toes are inclined inward, and the whips alternate.

(3) arm movements

The shoulder extension line is cut in by the outside hand, and the arm is extended to hold the water and the palm is facing the water.

Water enters the side of the air moving arm. Bend your arms and sink your elbows at the water,

The curved arm paddles to the waist, and the forearm palm pushes and presses.

Accelerate backward and push the water quickly, and take turns paddling with both arms.

Pull and push the body to row sideways, press first and then lift the water quickly,

Lift the shoulder to drive the upper forearm, move forward in the air and extend the arm forward.

(4) Breathing action

It’s easier to breathe in backstroke. Breathe in through your mouth instead of your nose.

Push underwater and exhale quickly, lift your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest,

Take a breath after kicking three times, and exhale after kicking three times.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Six kicks, two arms, one breath and two strokes,

Three kicks, one arm, and so on.

Four, butterfly stroke formula

1, one of the butterfly formula (total formula):

(1) Butterfly kicks like a dolphin, whipping water with his belt and legs. Draw water with your legs together and remember your hips.
  Turn your ankles inside your legs to relax, close your legs, lift your hips and straighten your waist and abdomen.
(2) The butterfly moves its arm like a butterfly, lowering its head and sending its shoulder arm forward. Reach into the water, spread your shoulders and grab the water, with your high elbow paddling and your arm bending inward.
  Aim your hands at the water at the same time, and push the water hard with both arms. Lift your elbows quickly after pushing the water, and spread your wings with your arms out of the water.
(3) Push the water head with both arms to lift, and inhale quickly and lower the head. Push the water and hit your legs at the same time, and put your feet together to exert your strength.
  Go into the water and whip your legs twice. Don’t forget to rotate your feet internally. Breathe out slowly with your arms in the water, and move forward like waves.

2. The second formula of butterfly stroke (four-word key):

Chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and buttocks, iron law of entering water. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.

Interpretation of the key words of butterfly stroke;

[Chest and armpit pressure] is the first step to start the body wave state in butterfly stroke, and its amplitude depends on the flexibility of the shoulder blade. If the chest and armpits are not pressed down, it is difficult to get up with elbows, and it is impossible to hold water with high elbows.

The purpose of [elbow tip separation] is to ensure that the water is cut under the thumb, the water is held with the elbow high, and the side pressure is connected. When the front half of the body is pressed down, it will inevitably lead to the core part lifting up, showing the trend of [abdomen and buttocks], which is a counterweight to the kicking of the back half. This is the law of chain transmission of the body, so it is called [iron law of entering the water].

[Side pressure stroke] is the initial phase of stroke, which is the same as [breaking up and pressing the wrist] in breaststroke.

[Internal scanning force] is the later stage of pulling water phase, and it is also the stage of starting to exert force. In the process of pulling water, with the surge of water flow and the balance of legs, the body leaps up and forward, and the water comes out with the shoulder as the highest point of rising, that is, [the tiger’s back rises].

In order to push the water phase, the [swing arm] must accelerate the whole process, in which [swing arm] refers to the sudden return when the momentum reaches the maximum, that is, the arm returns at the original speed before pushing the water to the crotch; This not only pushes the water into place, but also allows the arm to bounce out of the water by pushing.

When moving your arms, you should [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, and move your wings leisurely], and throw your arms forward as far as possible, as far as possible from the water entry point, so as to fully drive your body. [Shrugging your shoulders, swinging your wrists and moving your wings leisurely] starts with [swinging your arms back], and the depth of your kung fu can be seen from the whole process of [moving your arms]. The butterfly stroke is the only stroke named after the feature of [moving the arm], so four sentences are used in the formula to describe the whole process of moving the arm: [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbow is superior and low], among which [taking and putting down gently] is particularly difficult, and [taking] and [putting] can reflect the control ability of your waist and abdomen when leaping.

[Legs rise and fall from the waist], the main power source of butterfly swimming is the chest, followed by the waist, and then the legs. Therefore, when playing butterfly leg, you need to forget the leg, so that the vibration of the chest can be naturally transmitted to the toe. When the chest is pressed down, the forehead is forward and the top of the head is close to the water; When the shoulders are lifted, the forehead is still forward and the hips are close to the water.

[Snake-shaped wave, the first item is the flag], which means that the butterfly looks like a dolphin and a snake eel from side to side. From beginning to end, all joints of the trunk and legs participate in the jitter. Bow your head when you come out of the water, lift it slightly when you enter the water, and always rush to the other side with your head, guiding the whole body forward like a flagship, that is, [the first item is the flag].

3. The third formula of butterfly stroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of butterfly stroke

Butterfly swimming is like flying in butterfly water, whipping the water with your legs together,

Lie on your stomach horizontally to streamline, lower your head and move your arms forward.

Both arms are paddling at the same time, imitating dolphins flying in waves.

Waves draw water, push hands to suck, stretch your chest, lift your hips and waist to exert strength.

(2) Trunk and leg movements

Hips sink to straighten the waist and abdomen, legs move up and legs bend,
Retract your legs, lift your hips and waist, and your thighs drive your calves to kick.

(3) arm movements

Bow your head and send your shoulders forward, stretch your shoulders and hook your hands to catch the water.

The arms are wider than the shoulders when entering the water, and the shoulders should be extended when entering the water.

Bend your arms inward and paddle hard, push the water and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.

Do not separate your arms from each other when holding water, and row with the front wide and the back wide to accelerate the row.

(4) Breathing action

Breathe slowly with your arms in the water, push the water, stretch your neck and look up.

(5) Breathing is coordinated with leg and arm movements.

The butterfly position is not fixed, and the trunk waves move forward.

Kick your arm into the water for the first time, and then kick it under your chest.

The legs are combined like whipping, and the waist, abdomen and legs vibrate in turn.

Lower your head and stretch your arms to exhale slowly, accelerate the push of water and raise your head to suck.

Five, four common swimming methods of four-word tips summary

1. Breaststroke: break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

2, crawl: the head rubs the water, the neck ridge is flat and long, the chin converges, and the air is ventilated. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

3, backstroke: the water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slips. Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips. With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge. Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

4, butterfly stroke: chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and hips, into the water iron law. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.